Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Best Poses for Yoga Weight Loss

Yoga for weight loss works by doing a series of basic yoga poses that involve stretching accompanied by positive chants towards reducing weight. People who get into this type of weight loss regimen also makes sure to eat on healthy food as well as using techniques for a more optimistic point of view in life and one's self further leading to a stress-free life and of course a more fit and slim body.
The Top 5 Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
Below is a list of the recommended top 5 yoga poses that are best for weight loss. They don't just help in reducing weight but it also soothes the mind. Yoga poses also improves a person's strength and flexibility. These poses are as follows:
Sun Salutations - this is a great warm-up as you start your yoga. The pose actually helps you improve flexibility and clears your mind so you can focus on the yoga workout.
Shoulder Stand - the shoulder stand revitalizes some parts of the body which can help in losing weight. Just remember to do this pose with utmost care to avoid discomfort especially around the neck. If you happen to be a beginner or still needs to work on your balance, you may need to lean on the wall or a pillow for assistance.
Bow Pose - This pose can actually create heat in the body which burns fat. The chest and pelvis are the parts of the body that are mostly worked out here where you do stretching. For those who have back problems and beginners, you may need to modify the pose first before doing it fully to avoid discomfort.
Tree Pose - This is one type of pose that will greatly need focus and a clear mind. The tree pose aids in balance and strength on the legs. You may want to hold this pose for a minute on each side. If you are losing balance while on this pose, slowly place your foot down and return to the pose.
Forward Bend - It is a great pose for the spine and is said to help in stretching hamstrings and regulating the kidneys. If you are stressed out or in pain, you may use this pose because this is said to be 'healing pose'.
Although yoga is a very healthy approach towards losing weight, remember to always consult a health professional about this because there may be poses that you may need to modify first before doing it to avoid discomfort or injury. It is also recommended that your yoga be accompanied with the right eating plan to further make your weight loss journey a well-rounded one. For beginners, make sure to have with you a book or better yet join a yoga class to make sure that you are doing the poses the right and safe way.
Nikole has a passion for writing and healthy living. She believes that doing yoga for weight loss [] is the best way to maintain weight. You can read about weight loss workouts [] in her healthy balanced diet blog.
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